NTIA Awards Sydney is the biggest night in the travel industry and tonight 1306 agents, wholesaler, tour and cruise operators came together to celebrate.

I was nominated Manager of the year across Australia and after a lot of hard work I made it from 83 to the top 6. Although I didn’t take out the winning award, I’m proud to say I made it to the top and yes I was the only one in WA

So on that note I’d like to thank my amazing staff, I hand picked each and every one, I have given you the tools, created a customer service guide, shared my passion and knowledge to create and mould you into multi-million dollar consultants.
24 years as a manager/business owner I thank my dad for believing in me and moulding me ‘stay in your own lane, be true to yourself and run your own race’ dad I hope I did you proud tonight I wish I still had you by my side.
To my amazing husband Tim who held my hand tonight and celebrated, thank you! You were my strength through Covid and the rebuilding of my business post Covid.
Lastly to Trinity and Amelia my beautiful daughters, your love and support throughout my career is why I am here today xx